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18 Feb 2014

Job Interviews

When you are looking for a job, one of the most important things you can do is make a positive impact at your first interview.

Landing a job interview invitation in itself is a cause for celebration, but this does not a guarantee you the job offer. Many job seekers will tell you they always attend interviews and will never get hired or even hear from the employers.

The trick in passing any job interview is interviews is preparation, impression and standing out among other candidates. You still have to go in there and impress them. If you make a good first impression, then the rest of the interview might also go well; however, if you don’t make a good first impression, then you will spend the rest of the interview trying to make up for your mistakes.

Standing out in an interview session takes careful planning. Your personality doesn’t matter so much: whether you are shy, reserved, scared, nervous, confident, or outgoing. There is an art to making an impression during any face to face interaction that will create a lasting impact.

Good interview preparation projects you as a poised and confident person to the employer. It is therefore important to prepare well and practice the answers to common interview questions, as well as what you will dress in.

Corporate Staffing Services offers job interview preparation focusing on making an impact in interviews: body language, presentation, responses to tough interview questions, salary and questions to ask employers among others.

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