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26 Feb 2014


Some companies use recruitment agencies to conduct hiring for them.This are the top 5 ways to annoy a recruiter and blow your job chances:

Its always sends out a bad signal to the recruiter if you choose to lie about yourself.The recruiter mostly checks your background to ascertain if you check out. Stick to providing the recruiter with facts and don't exaggerate. 

2.Use unprofessional communication Language
When communicating with the recruiter use professional channels and language as this is how your relationship is based. Keep in mind that the recruiter is your link to the hiring company and a bad review wont help you accomplish your goal.

3.Be rude and Aggressive
If you get passed over for the job verbally attacking or sending inflammatory emails or text to the recruitment agency is not the best way to build good rapport.Look forward to the next opportunity and forget the past.

4.Stalk the Recruiter
Stalking the recruiter is a big NO NO. Let the recruiter contact you. Stalking shows desperation and this is definitely not what you want her / him to convey to the hiring company.

5.Get Personal
Act in a professional manner when communicating with the recruiter. Don't try to ask her or him for a date or about their personal life. Build your relationship solely on work related questions.

All the best in your Job search.

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